07986 565 408

Abingdon Vale Fencing Club

An open and welcoming club for all ages and abilities

Learn to fence!

If you've ever thought about whether fencing was for you, AFVC run regular courses for adult beginners.

Ready to register? Email beginners@AbingdonValeFencingClub.uk, or call Alan on 07986 565 408.

When is it?

Our next adult beginners course is starting on Thursday 2nd February 2022, and will run for six weeks.

What is it?

The course will be taught with Épée, one of three weapons in modern fencing. This is the most practised weapon in the sport today, and is derived from the 19th-century Épée de Combat, a weapon which itself derives from the French small sword. Modern Epee is the simplest of the three weapons in that the whole body is the target, and there are no right of way rules as in Foil and Sabre fencing.

What will I learn?

During the course you will learn:

Where is it?

The course is run weekly at our Thursday club night from 8pm to 9pm, at Larkmead school in Abingdon. Afterwards you are encouraged to stay on and practise what you have learned with your course colleagues and other club fencers.

How do I sign up?

The cost is £75, and all equipment will be provided. You need to wear long tracksuit trousers and a t-shirt.

For more information please email beginners@AbingdonValeFencingClub.uk or call Alan on 07986 565 408.

British Fencing
PBT Fencing Equipment
England Fencing
